Package-level declarations


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The heart of the Orbit MVI system. Represents an MVI container with its input and outputs. You can manipulate the container through the orbit function

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A decorator applying additional logic to a Container.

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Apply this interface to anything you want to become an orbit container host. Typically this will be an Android ViewModel but it can be applied to simple presenters etc.

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data class RealSettings(val sideEffectBufferSize: Int = Channel.BUFFERED, val idlingRegistry: IdlingResource = NoopIdlingResource(), val eventLoopDispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher = Dispatchers.Default, val intentLaunchingDispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher = Dispatchers.Unconfined, val exceptionHandler: CoroutineExceptionHandler? = null, val repeatOnSubscribedStopTimeout: Long = 100)
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fun <STATE : Any, SIDE_EFFECT : Any> CoroutineScope.container(initialState: STATE, buildSettings: SettingsBuilder.() -> Unit = {}, onCreate: suspend SimpleSyntax<STATE, SIDE_EFFECT>.() -> Unit? = null): Container<STATE, SIDE_EFFECT>

Helps create a concrete container in a standard way.

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fun <Error class: unknown class><out <Error class: unknown class>>.subscribe(onEach: (item: Any) -> Unit, onComplete: () -> Unit, onThrow: (error: Throwable) -> Unit): <Error class: unknown class>
fun <Error class: unknown class><out <Error class: unknown class>>.subscribe(dispatcher: <Error class: unknown class>, onEach: (item: Any) -> Unit, onComplete: () -> Unit, onThrow: (error: Throwable) -> Unit): <Error class: unknown class>