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RxJava compatibility

To use RxJava with Orbit simply use the Kotlin coroutines extensions by including one of the following dependencies:

dependencies {
// For RxJava 2

// For RxJava 3

Then simply use the extensions to convert your RxJava objects into coroutines. Please note you need to ensure your RxJava objects are already being subscribed on a background thread, otherwise add .subscribeOn(Schedulers.IO) before await().

interface Repository {
fun loadDataAsSingle(): Single<Data>
fun loadDataAsObservable(): Observable<Data>

class MyViewModel(
repository: Repository
): ContainerHost<MyState, MySideEffect>, ViewModel() {

override val container = container<MyState, MySideEffect>(MyState())

fun single() = intent {
// await() applies to Single, Maybe and Completable
val result = repository.loadDataAsSingle().await()

reduce {
state.copy(data = result)

// If your stream is infinite ensure you disable idling resource handling
// if you use Espresso
fun observable() = intent(idlingResource = false) {
val result = repository.loadDataAsObservable().asFlow().collect {
reduce {
state.copy(data = result)

We strongly recommend you observe your ViewModel state stream using the built-in Flow, however, if you wish you can convert this into an RxJava object with asObservable.