
class SubclassStateSimpleSyntax<S : Any, SE : Any, T : S>(val containerContext: SubclassStateContainerContext<S, SE, T>)


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constructor(containerContext: SubclassStateContainerContext<S, SE, T>)


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val state: T

The current state which can change throughout execution of the orbit block


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suspend fun <S : Any, SE : Any, T : S> SubclassStateSimpleSyntax<S, SE, T>.postSideEffect(sideEffect: SE)

Side effects allow you to deal with things like tracking, navigation etc.

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suspend fun <S : Any, SE : Any, T : S> SubclassStateSimpleSyntax<S, SE, T>.reduce(reducer: SimpleContext<T>.() -> S)

Reducers reduce the current state and incoming events to produce a new state.